Theory of nuclear relaxation inLa2CuO4

We calculate the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rates (1/T1) in the quasi-two-dimensional antiferromagnet La2 CuO4, both above and below the Néel temperature TN, paying particular attention to the form factors associated with different nuclear sites. The smallness of the interplanar coupling J’ compared with the intraplanar coupling J and the absence of on-site Ising anisotropy result in some interesting behaviors of the relaxation rates. For JT>TN, and to leading order, (i) 1/T1Cu∼(aTc)3/2ξ/a, where ξ is the two-dimensional correlation length which diverges exponentially at low T, c is the T=0 two-dimensional spin-wave velocity (proportional to J) and a is the lattice spacing; (ii) 1/T1O∼(aTc)3; and (iii) 1/T1LaA(aTc)3+B(aTc)3/2ξ/a, where we expect BA although a precise estimate is unavailable. If anisotropies of the couplings (in spin space) are neglected, the only other relevant temperature scale is set by Δ=2 √JJ’ , which defines the crossover between two- and three-dimensional behavior; in La2 CuO4, Δ≊20 K.