To test the accuracy of generalized skinfold (SF) equations in blacks and to compare fat patterning in black and white adults, percent body fat (%BF) was assessed in 90 blacks and 89 whites by deuterium oxide dilution (D2O) and by generalized SF equations [Durnin and Womersely (DW), and Jackson and Pollock and Jackson et al (JP)] by using two calipers (Lange and Holtain). In blacks, JP significantly underpredicted (2.95%) and DW overpredicted (1.74%) D2O %BF with the Lange caliper. With the Holtain caliper DW successfully predicted D2O %BF (r = 0.91, SEE = 3.8%). In whites, DW overpredicted D2O %BF more than in blacks (4.94% vs 1.74%). Lower triceps-subscapular and thigh-subscapular skinfold-thickness ratios in black females and lower suprailiac-subscapular ratios in black males and females were found. It was concluded that blacks may have more visceral and upper-body fat deposition.