Pulsatile umbilical venous flow and its clinical significance

To determine the prevalence and significance of pulsatile waveforms from the umbilical vein.A tertiary referral clinic for high risk pregnancies.209 fetuses from 24-41 weeks gestation.The presence of pulsatile waveforms in the umbilical vein and the pregnancy outcome.9/209 fetuses demonstrated pulsatile waveforms and seven had severe growth retardation or congenital anomalies of the heart. Pulsatile flow and abnormalities of the inferior vena cava waveforms were observed in these seven but not in the two infants who were born at term. Double pulsations are described for the first time.Examination of the umbilical venous waveform for pulsatile flow is a useful test as it indicates the presence of asphyxial cardiomyopathy or congenital heart lesions.