Regulation of factor VIIIa by human activated protein C and protein S: inactivation of cofactor in the intrinsic factor Xase

Factor VIIIa is a trimer of A1, A2, and A3-C1-C2 subunits. Inactivation of the cofactor by human activated protein C (APC) results from preferential cleavage at Arg336 within the A1 subunit, followed by cleavage at Arg562 bisecting the A2 subunit. In the presence of human protein S, the rate of APC-dependent factor VIIIa inactivation increased several-fold and correlated with an increased rate of cleavage at Arg562. (Active site-modified) factor IXa, blocked cleavage at the A2 site. However, APC-catalyzed inactivation of factor VIIIa proceeded at a similar rate independent of factor IXa, consistent with the location of the preferential cleavage site within the A1 subunit. Addition of protein S failed to increase the rate of cleavage at the A2 site when factor IXa was present. In the presence of factor X, cofactor inactivation was inhibited, due to a reduced rate of cleavage at Arg336. However, inclusion of protein S restored near original rates of factor VIIIa inactivation and cleavage at the A1 site, thus overcoming the factor X-dependent protective effect. These results suggest that in the human system, protein S stimulates APC-catalyzed factor VIIIa inactivation by facilitating cleavage of A2 subunit (an effect retarded in the presence of factor IXa), as well as abrogating protective interactions of the cofactor with factor X.