Erbium-doped ion-exchanged waveguide lasers in BK-7 glass

Ion-exchange in glass is a simple, flexible technique to realize optical fiber-compatible planar waveguide devices. Recently, neodymium-doped waveguide lasers operating at 1060 and 1300 nm have been demonstrated in this technology. Lasers operating at 1540 nm are desirable for telecommunication applications and the authors report for the first time ion-exchanged waveguide lasers in erbium-doped glass emitting at this wavelength. Lasers in BK-7 glass doped with 0.5 wt.% Er/sub 2/O/sub 3/ and pumped at 980 nm exhibited launched pump power thresholds of 150 mW and slope efficiencies of 0.55%. The waveguides operated in a single transverse mode at the lasing wavelength.