A quantum-mechanical two-state close-coupling calculation of the inelastic cross section for the 2S32P3 excitation has been carried out for collisions between 2S3 metastable and ground-state helium atoms in the center-of-mass (c.m.) energy range 5-500 eV. The calculations were carried out in both the diabatic and adiabatic representations using two single-configuration valence-bond molecular wave functions and the corresponding adiabatic linear combinations, respectively. Both representations, as expected, gave identical results. In the diabatic representation, the coupling matrix element was found to be extremely large, resulting in a strong avoided crossing of the corresponding adiabatic potential curves and very small inelastic cross sections for energies E100 eV (c.m.), but increasing to a value of about 4 × 1016 cm2 at 500 eV (c.m.), The semiclassical Stueckelberg-Landau-Zener approximation was found to be very poor at all energies considered. The JWKB distorted-wave approximation was found to be fairly good at energies E400 eV (c.m.).