Simple Bond-Charge Model for Potential-Energy Curves of Homonuclear Diatomic Molecules

For a homonuclear diatomic molecule near its equilibrium internuclear distance Re , in some bound electronic state, a potential‐energy function W(R) of the form W = W0 + W1 / R + W2 / R2 has previously been shown to be a good approximation to the true potential. From this equation and the molecular virial theorem, there follow expressions for the total electronic potential energy V(R) and the total electronic kinetic energy T(R), V = 2W0 + W1 / R, T = −W0 + W2 / R2 . The R‐dependent, Coulombic part of V is modeled by locating a positive charge Ze at each nucleus and a negative charge −qe at the bond center, with q = 2Z . The Rdependent, free‐electron‐like part of T is modeled by assuming that the charge q moves freely in a one‐dimensional box of length νR . Thus W1 / R = e2(Z2 − 4Zq) / R, W2 / R2 = h2q / 8mν2R2 , and W = W0 + (e2 / R) (Z2 − 4Zq) + (1 / R2)[(h2 / 8m) (q / ν2)] . For 17 molecules in 63 different electronic states, parameters q and ν are given that reproduce exactly the experimental equilibrium distance Re and harmonic force constant ke . The ν values obtained vary little from state to state in a given molecule, or through a given row of the periodic table. The average ν values are ν = 1.0, 0.80, 0.75, 0.65 for first‐, second‐, third‐, and fourth‐row homonuclear diatomics, respectively. A relation between Re and q is derived, Re(Å) = 2.98 / qν2 , and this, together with the observed trends in the q values, shows that q is a reasonable measure of the charge accumulated in the bond region of these molecules. It is suggested that the formula q = (4Re3ke / 7e2)1 / 2 may be a useful definition of the bond order for a given state of a homonuclear diatomic molecule. For fixed ν , this simple point‐charge model, and certain generalizations of it, predict Re to be proportional to (1 / q) , and the quantity Re5ke to be constant. The one‐dimensional‐box interpretation is given a justification based on separate virial theorems for the parallel and perpendicular components of the kinetic energy.

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