The cell model for polyelectrolyte systems. Exact statistical mechanical relations, Monte Carlo simulations, and the Poisson–Boltzmann approximation

Some exact statistical mechanical relations have been derived for polyelectrolyte systems within the primitive model. Using the cell model, the osmotic pressure is determined through an explicit evaluation of the derivative of the partition function. Planar, cylindrical, and spherical systems are considered and for a planar charged wall the contact value theorem [Henderson and Blum, J. Chem. Phys. 69, 5441 (1978)] is obtained as a special case. Analogous relations are derived for the cylindrical and spherical geometries. It is argued that the exact relations can be used as consistency tests for analytical approximations. It is pointed out that one merit of the Poisson–Boltzmann approximation is that the validity of the exact equations is retained. Finally, a simple method is devised for determining the osmotic pressure from Monte Carlo simulations. Results from such simulations are used to assess the accuracy of the osmotic pressure calculated using the Poisson–Boltzmann equation. For monovalent ions, the pressure is overestimated by 10%–50% in the cases studied, while with divalent counterions the error is substantially larger and a discrepancy of one order of magnitude is found.