Generalized mosaicing: wide field of view multispectral imaging

We present an approach to significantly enhance the spectral resolution of imaging systems by generalizing image mosaicing. A filter transmitting spatially varying spectral bands is rigidly attached to a camera. As the system moves, it senses each scene point multiple times, each time in a different spectral band. This is an additional dimension of the generalized mosaic paradigm, which has demonstrated yielding high radiometric dynamic range images in a wide field of view, using a spatially varying density filter. The resulting mosaic represents the spectrum at each scene point. The image acquisition is as easy as in traditional image mosaics. We derive an efficient scene sampling rate, and use a registration method that accommodates the spatially varying properties of the filter. Using the data acquired by this method, we demonstrate scene rendering under different simulated illumination spectra. We are also able to infer information about the scene illumination. The approach was tested using a standard 8-bit black/white video camera and a fixed spatially varying spectral (interference) filter.

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