Microtubule system of isolated fish melanophores as revealed by immunofluorescence microscopy.

The microtubule system of melanophores of the angelfish, Pterophyllum scalare, has been studied using antibodies prepared against purified porcine brain tubulin in indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. Melanophores were freed from the surrounding tissue components of isolated scales by mild enzymatic digestion and then allowed to settle on a glass cover slip. In both the dispersed and the aggregated states large numbers of fluorescent fibers are seen. The number and the astral arrangement of these fibers, which run from the central region to the periphery of the cell, are striking. The system of fluorescent fibers is replaced by diffuse fluorescence of moderate intensity after cold treatment, but is restored after rewarming the cells. Differences in the immunofluorescence profiles between cells with dispersed and aggregated pigment are discussed in relation to electron microscopic data available for this system.