Thermal Equilibrium of Color Centers in Doped KCl Crystals

In additively colored crystals of KCl: Sr a thermal reaction between F and Z2 centers is observed. The reaction is reversible and approaches equilibrium in a few hours in the range of temperatures between 70°C and 170°C. The equilibrium value of the ratio between the concentrations of F and Z2 centers, (xFxZ2), does not depend upon the total amount of coloration nor upon the past history of the crystal, and for a given impurity content is a function only of temperature. For crystals containing 2.5×104 molar fraction of Sr, the experimental points fit the equation: xFxZ2=0.8×104exp(0.28kT), kT inev. A comparison of the latter empirical equation with those that can be derived through the application of the mass-action law to some specific models of the FZ2 conversion is discussed.