Drop Size Measurements in Evaporating Realistic Sprays of Emulsified and Neat Fuels

A comparative study has been performed of the drop-size distribution of sprays of emulsified and neat distillate-type aviation fuels at elevated temperatures (308K to 700K) and pressures (101 kPa to 586 kPa). All drop-size data were obtained with a Malvern Model 2200 Particle Sizer based on the forward angle diffraction pattern produced by the drops when illuminated by a collimated HeNe laser beam. Fuels included a standard multicomponent jet fuel, Jet-A, and a single component fuel, hexadecane, in both neat form and emulsified with 20 percent (by vol.) water and 2 percent (by vol.) surfactant. The initial breakup and atomization of a neat and emulsified fuel were quite similar at all conditions, and the evaporation rates appeared similar at various temperatures for pressures at or below about 300 kPa. At higher pressures with elevated temperatures the emulsified fuels of both types produce drops of significantly smaller Sauter mean diameter than the neat fuels as distance from the nozzle increases. These results are consistent with the microexplosion hypothesis, but there could also be alternative explanations. A detailed computer model which predicts heat up rates, steady state drop temperatures, evaporation rates, and drop trajectories has been used to help interpret the results. An additional point which has been observed is that the initial Sauter mean diameter produced with constant differential nozzle pressure is dependent on the air pressure with an exponent of about −0.4, i.e., SMD ∼ Pair−0.4. Some recent correlations often quoted omit the pressure (density) of air term.