Distribution and redistribution of extension growth along vertical and horizontal gravireacting maize roots

Horizontal primary roots of Zea mays L. were photographed during the course of their gravireaction and during a preceding growth period in the vertical orientation. The displacement, by root elongation, of marker particles on the root surface was recorded. The particle-displacement rates were used to estimate the distribution of elemental elongation rates along opposite sides of the growing root apex. In the temperature range 21–25°C there was a stimulation of local elongation rates along the upper side of a gravireacting root and a reduction (and sometimes a cessation) of elongation along the lower side. Elemental elongation rates have been related to the development of root curvature, and the magnitude of the differential growth between upper and lower sides required for a particular rate of bending has also been estimated. The results complement, and are compatible with, findings relating to the distribution of certain endogenous growth regulators believed to participate in the gravireaction.