Search for RareK+Decays. I.K+→μ+νν¯ν

In a counter experiment at the LBL Bevatron, we have searched for the process K+μ+νν¯ν and have found no evidence for its existence. We have recorded ten events which could be examples of this decay mode, but could also be examples of K+μ+νγ in which the γ was not detected. Treating these as unidentified events and assuming the μ+ spectrum proposed by Bardin, Bilenky, and Pontecorvo, we obtain a decay rate Γ(K+μ+νν¯ν)6×106Γ(K+all) (90% confidence level). The data are presented in such a way as to allow calculation of rates for any assumed spectrum. The experiment provides a test for higher-order weak processes and sets constraints on certain first-order models.