SOND Cruise 1965: Further factor analyses of the plankton data

Factor analyses have been carried out on the total data for 134 planktonic forms sampled during the 1965 SOND cruise by R.R.S. ‘Discovery’. Species assemblages are largely consistent with the intragroup analyses carried out previously (Angel & Fasham, 1973). Factor score plots for the separate day and night series confirm the rather limited number of categories of vertical distribution patterns that occur despite the occurrence of vertical migration. The analysis of the combined day and night data confirms the rather limited number of patterns of vertical migratory behaviour. Size spectra of euphausiids in some of the assemblages associated with each category suggest that there may be resource partitioning. The trophic relationships within the assemblages appear to be structured and are discussed in the light of the limited knowledge of the feeding behaviour of many of the species involved. Diurnal vertical migration behaviour in planktonic species appears to be limited to the top 700 m.

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