INDUSTRIAL dermatoses due to mites have not been reported frequently in the English literature. However, this infrequency of recorded cases does not indicate that mites are seldom instigators of pruriginous eruptions. Both a review of the literature and personal experiences suggest that there is no real scarcity of mitecaused dermatoses, but only an apparent paucity of such cases. We believe that there are numerous examples of acariasis in the United States, either in endemic or small epidemic foci. These cases would occur most often among people whose occupations compel intimate contact with mite-infested materials, and in such persons a minor acarid eruption is probably not an uncommon occurrence. Such episodes are seldom reported; indeed, they are not too frequently seen by physicians, for the individual's past experience assures him that his dermatitis is limited. Because such conditions prevail there are few summons for the physician's services. But we wish