Impurity and Exciton Effects on the Infrared Absorption Edges of III-V Compounds

The fundamental absorption edge of each of several III-V compounds has been examined for structure due to excitons and impurities using high resolution and sample temperatures down to 1.4°K. The effects of an applied magnetic field were studied. The absorption edge of GaSb shows three sharp peaks (α, β, γ) and a low-absorption tail. Under a magnetic field, the peaks (α, β, γ) shift and split in a manner close to the expected behavior of the exciton. The peak α is shown to be the free-exciton peak and the peaks (β and γ) are attributed to impurity-exciton complexes. The tail is found to be associated with electron transitions to the conduction band from impurity levels near the valence band. Absorption associated with impurity-valence-band transitions is also observed at low photon energies. Analysis of these results gives the energy gap, the electron g factor, and the ionization energies of impurity levels. The absorption edge of InSb shows a step which is found to be due to ionized acceptors. Under a magnetic field, two peaks develop from the step absorption which behave like the impurity-exciton peaks in GaSb. The optical transitions involved appear to be related to the emission observed in the InSb laser. The electron g factor and the ionization energies of impurity levels have been estimated from these results. Some studies on the impurity absorption near the intrinsic edge of other III-V compounds are reported.