Differential enhancement of melphalan cytotoxicity in tumor and normal tissue by fluosol-DA® and oxygen breathing

The addition of Fluosol-DA® carbogen breathing to melphalan treatment of the FSa-IIC fibrosarcoma was assessed by tumor growth delay and cell survival assays. Melphalan (10 mg/kg) administered intraperitoneally (i.p.) was preceded by Fluosol-DA (0.3 ml) administered intravenously (i.v.) and followed by 1 hr of carbogen breathing; this resulted in a tumor growth delay of 9.5 ± 1.4 days or an approximately 3-fold increase compared to melphalan alone. Melphalan produced about 1.7 logs of cell killing; neither carbogen breathing nor Fluosol-DA pretreatment altered the cell killing observed. There was a 10-fold increase in tumor-cell killing when Fluosol-DA was administered immediately prior to melphalan administration followed by carbogen breathing for 1 hr. Density gradient separation identified a population of denser FSaIIC cells which showed increased sensitivity to melphalan after Fluosol-DA administration. There was no additional toxicity to bone marrow as measured by CFU-GM with the combination of melphalan/Fluosol-DA/O2 compared to melphalan alone.