Differential Control of Reciprocal Inhibition During Walking Versus Postural and Voluntary Motor Tasks in Humans

Lavoie, Brigitte A., Hervé Devanne, and Charles Capaday. Differential control of reciprocal inhibition during walking versus postural and voluntary motor tasks in humans. J. Neurophysiol. 78: 429–438, 1997. Experiments were done to determine whether the strength of reciprocal inhibition from ankle flexors to extensors can be controlled independently of the level of ongoing motor activity in a task-dependent manner. In this paper we use the term reciprocal inhibition in the functional sense—inhibition of the antagonist(s) during activity of the agonist(s)—without reference to specific neural pathways that may be involved. The strength of reciprocal inhibition of the soleus α-motoneurons was determined by measuring the amplitude of the H reflex during voluntary, postural, and locomotor tasks requiring activity of the ankle flexor tibialis anterior (TA). Differences in the strength of reciprocal inhibition between tasks were determined from plots of the soleus H reflex amplitude versus the mean value of the TA electromyogram (EMG). Additionally, in tasks involving movement, the correlation between the H reflex amplitude and the joint kinematics was calculated. In most subjects (15 of 22) the soleus H reflex decreased approximately linearly with increasing tonic voluntary contractions of the TA. The H reflex also decreased approximately linearly with the TA EMG activity when subjects where asked to lean backward. There were no statistical differences between the regression lines obtained in these tasks. In some subjects (7 of 22), however, the H reflex amplitude was independent of the level of TA EMG activity, except for a sudden drop at high levels of TA activity (∼60–80% of maximum voluntary contraction). The type of relation between the soleus H reflex and the TA EMG activity in these tasks was not correlated with the maximum H reflex to maximum M wave ( H max/ M max) ratio measured during quiet standing. In marked contrast, during the swing phase of walking—over the same range of TA EMG activity as during the tonic voluntary contraction task—the H reflex was reduced to zero in most subjects (24 of 31). In seven subjects the H reflex during the swing phase was reduced to some 5% of the value during quiet standing. The same result was found when subjects were asked to produce a stepping movement with one leg (OLS) in response to an auditory “go” signal. Additionally, in the OLS task it was possible to examine the behavior of the H reflex during the reaction time and thus to evaluate the relative contribution of central commands versus movement-related afferent activity to the inhibition of the soleus H reflex. In 11 of 12 subjects the H reflex attained its minimum value before either the onset of EMG activity or movement of any of the leg joints. It is significant that the H reflex was most powerfully inhibited during the swing phase of walking and the closely related OLS task. The H reflex was also measured during isolated ankle dorsiflexion movements. The subjects were asked to track a target displayed on a computer screen with dorsiflexion movements of the ankle. The trajectory of the target was the same as that of the ankle during the swing phase of walking. The soleus H reflexes were intermediate in size between the values obtained in the tonic contraction task and the walking or OLS tasks. A negative, but weak, correlation ( r 2 < 0.68) between the soleus H reflex and the TA EMG was found in 3 of 10 subjects. Furthermore, there was no correlation between the H reflex amplitude and the ankle angular displacement or angular velocity. In this task, as in the OLS task, the H reflex began to decrease during the reaction time before the onset of TA EMG activity. We conclude that the strength of reciprocal inhibition of the soleus α-motoneuron pool can thus be controlled independently of the level of motor activity in the ankle flexors. The strength of the inhibition of the antagonist(s) depends on the task, and for each task the strength of the inhibition is not necessarily proportional to the level of motor activity in the agonist(s). Additionally, the evidence suggests a strong central contribution to these task-dependent changes, because the inhibition of the H reflex is essentially completed during the reaction time before the onset of EMG activity or joint movement. The possible neural mechanisms involved in the task-dependent control of reciprocal inhibition are treated in the discussion.