Near-infrared absorption spectra of 16O3 and 18O3: Adiabatic energy of the 1A2 state?

New absorption spectra of the 1A2(0,v2,1)←1A1(0,0,0) bands of 16O3 and 18O3 near 1 μ are reported. The behavior of vibronic band isotope shifts for low v2 suggests that the lowest point on the 1A2 surface lies 9990±70 cm−1 above the 1A1 minimum. This result is relatively insensitive to the vibrational assignment. Accounting for zero‐point and binding energies of the ground state places the 1A2 minimum very close to the O+O2(v=0) dissociation limit, not low enough to support the zero‐point energy of a bound state. Implications regarding recent speculation on the role of this and other electronically excited states in ozone photochemistry are discussed.