The change ΔS of the thermoelectric power of high-purity platinum wire due to quenched-in lattice vacancies was measured between 4.2 and 400°K and was separated into the electronic component ΔSe and the phonon-drag component ΔSg. The vacancy concentration ranged from about 1×102 to 6×102 at.%. Vacancies were found to increase the electronic part and to reduce the phonon-drag part of the thermoelectric power in platinum. From the ΔSg(T) curves the phonon-scattering cross section σ of vacancies in platinum was estimated. The experimental ΔSg(T) curves could not be fitted using for σ a pure Rayleightype scattering law. However, a good fit could be obtained, using for σ the expression which is valid for resonance scattering of phonons by point defects. The experiments suggest that in the phonon scattering by vacancies in platinum a resonance occurs at about one-third of the Debye frequency.