Biological and Photo-Chemical Effects of High Energy, Electrostatically Produced Roentgen Rays and Cathode Rays

X-rays produced at approx. 3 megavolts readily destroyed bacteria, yeasts, and molds in massive concns. in pure culture or in liquid or solid substrates such as milk, water, apple juice, ground spices, soil and catgut sutures. Spore-forming and fluorescent bacteria were the most resistant of the bacteria, 25,000 r destroyed 94-100% of the non-spore forming bacteria but 10-20 times this was required to kill the remaining bacteria. 500,000 r usually destoryed all non-spore formers and 99.9% or more of the spore formers. In one case a sporeformer resisted 1,500,000 r. Cathode rays gave similar effects in similar doses but were more rapid in action. Preliminary tests indicate the possibility of sterilizing fluids by a continuous process with cathode rays. Potatoes can be successfully blanched with X-rays. The peroxide oxygen values of butter and olive oil are increased slightly by X-irradiation. Preliminary tests indicate a gradual decrease in the reduced form of ascorbic acid in oxalic acid soln. or citrus juices with increased X-ray doses. Oxidation was only to the dehydroascorbic acid stage.

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