Fluxes and compartmentation of K+, Na+ and Cl−, and action of auxins in suspension-cultured Petroselinum cells

Transport of 86Rb+/K+, 22Na+, 36Cl, and [3H]indole acetic acid (IAA) has been studied on suspension-cultured cells of the parsley, Petroselinum crispum (Mill) Nym. By compartmental analysis two intracellular compartments of K+, Na+, and Cl have been identified and ascribed to the cytoplasm and vacuole; half-times of exchange were around 200 s and 5 h, respectively. According to the Ussing-Teorell flux equation, active transport is required for the influx into the cytoplasm at the plasmalemma (K+, Cl) and the tonoplast (K+, Na+, Cl). The plasmalemma permeability pattern, PK:PNa:PCl=1.00:0.24:0.38, features an increased chloride permeability compared with cells from higher plant tissues. IAA uptake showed an exponential timecourse, was half-maximal after 10 min, and a linear function of the IAA concentration from 10−9 to 10−5 M. IAA and 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid reduce the apparent influx of K+, Na+, Cl during the initial 30 min after addition and subsequently accelerate both in- and efflux of these ions. We discuss that auxins could affect the ion fluxes in a complex way, e.g. by protonophorous activity and by control of the hypothetical proton pump.