Excitation Study ofF19(n, α)N16with a BaF2Crystal

The scintillation properties of crystalline BaF2 have been investigated. It was found that this substance yields a reasonably well-defined photopeak when exposed to gamma rays from Na22. With DuMont K1306 and 6292 photomultipliers, the signals from BaF2 are about 15 to 110 as strong as those from NaI(Tl). With a BaF2 crystal as a target, the excitation function for the F19(n, α)N16 reaction was observed in the region from an apparent threshold near 3.2 Mev up to En=6 Mev. Several new resonances were found in this region. The cross section generally increases with increasing neutron energy, rising from 85 mb at 4.48 Mev to 200 mb near 6 Mev. Absolute accuracy of cross-section measurements was ±15%.

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