Dipolar and Quadrupolar Ordering inS=32Ising Systems

We have studied in the molecular-field approximation the statistical-mechanical properties of the Hamiltonian H=hΣiSizΣi,jJijSizSjzΣi,jKij[(Siz)213S(S+1)][(Sjz)213S(S+1)] for S=32 ions. We investigate the possibility of ordering in the independent parameters M=Sz and Q=(Sz)213S(S+1). The phase diagram is discussed for positive and negative biquadratic interactions as a function of the ratio of bilinear to biquadratic interactions and as a function of the magnetic field h. Successive phase transitions and triple, critical, and tricritical points are found. We also show that the model gives a qualitative understanding of the phase transitions observed in DyVO4.