Using the MHD (magneto-hydrodynamic) model of the three-component plasma, we discuss the forces affecting unit volume of an unbounded plasma in a space occupied by generally nonuniform high-frequency and magnetostatic fields. In the metric defined by the geometry of the magnetic field lines, we derive the forces affecting the three-fluid plasma arising from a high-frequency field with a high 1 E/1 H ratio. Effects of collisions among plasma components and viscosity are included. The solution has been obtained by applying the method of successive approximations. Similarly, anisotropic plasma is studied in the collision-free approximation. Stationary hf forces in fundamental field configurations are quantitatively discussed; there are some characteristic effects in fields with curved field lines. The role of the temperature correction is discussed. The hf forces, especially near the cyclotron frequencies, can be used for the limitation of plasma escape along magnetic lines and for the acceleration and injection of plasma in nonuniform magnetostatic fields. The possibilities of the application in magnetic traps are demonstrated by some examples.