Pyruvate oxidase in brain

The catatorulin effect (increased O uptake upon addition of vit. B1) of Lohmann''s pure co-carboxylase (diphospho-vit. B1 or pyrophosphoric ester of vit. B1) with avitaminous pigeon''s brain tissue was much less than that of vit. B1 itself. Vitamin B1 was phosphorylated rapidly under the conditions of a catatorulin test. [alpha]-Ketobutyric acid required co-carboxylase for its decarboxylation by yeast, but it did not act as a substrate for the catatorulin effect. The hypothesis that vit. B1 acted as the diphospho-compound in brain was possible though not proved; but the other components of the system were dissimilar from those of yeast.