Hyperfine Structure of the(5p)5(6s)P23State ofXe12954andXe13154

The hyperfine structures of the metastable (5p)5(6s)P23 state of Xe12954 and Xe13154 have been measured by the atomic beam magnetic resonance method. The zero magnetic field intervals f(FF) are: for Xe129, f(3252)=5961.2577(9) Mc/sec; and for Xe131, f(5272)=2693.6234(7) Mc/sec, f(3252)=1608.3475(8) Mc/sec, and f(1232)=838.7636(4) Mc/sec. The values of the quadrupole and octupole moments of Xe131, without polarization corrections and without corrections for any effects of configuration mixing, are Q=0.120(12) b and Ω=+0.048(12) nmb. The hyperfine-structure anomaly for the two isotopes due to the s12 electron alone is Δ(s12)=+0.0440(44)%, in disagreement with the prediction of the single-particle model.