The reaction $πN \to ππN$ at threshold in chiral perturbation theory

In the framework of heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory, we give thIn the framework of heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory, we give the chiral expansion for the $\pi N \to \pi \pi N$ threshold amplitudes $D_1$ and $D_2$ to quadratic order in the pion mass. The theoretical results agree within one standard deviation with the empirical values. We also derive a relation between the two threshold amplitudes of the reaction $\pi N \to \pi \pi N$ and the $\pi \pi$ S--wave scattering lengths, $a_0^0$ and $a_0^2$, respectively, to order ${\cal O}(M_\pi^2)$. We show that there are uncertainties mostly related to resonance excitation which make an accurate determination of the $\pi \pi$ scattering length $a_0^0$ from the $\pi \pi N$ threshold amplitudes at present very difficult. The situation is different in the $\pi \pi$ isospin two final state. Here, the chiral series converges and one finds $a_0^2 = -0.031 \pm 0.007$ consistent with the one--loop chiral perturbation theory prediction.