Substantial reduction of noradrenaline in kitten visual cortex by intraventricular injections of 6-hydroxydopamine does not always prevent ocular dominance shifts after monocular deprivation

Ten kittens had cannulas inserted into their lateral ventricles for daily injections of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA). At 5–6 weeks of age one eye was sutured shut, and one week later recordings were made from the visual cortex to assay the ocular dominance of a sample of cells. In six kittens the injections of 6-OHDA were continued until the day before recording, while in four kittens the injections were stopped around the time of eye suture, on the assumption that continued injections of 6-OHDA over several days has effects that are not specific to the noradrenaline (NA) system and that the two procedures might show different results. In all animals the concentration of NA in the visual cortex near the site of recording was reduced by approximately 90%. In all animals the ocular dominance histograms recorded from the visual cortex were shifted so that the majority of cells (83 ± 13%) were dominated by the open eye. There were no substantial differences between the two groups of experimental animals or between the experimental animals and two control animals that had cannulas implanted and ascorbate alone injected without 6-OHDA. We conclude that the concentration of NA in the visual cortex can be reduced substantially by injections of 6-OHDA into the lateral ventricle without preventing the shift in ocular dominance that usually occurs after suturing shut the eyelids of one eye.