Profiles of the ice cover in the North Water area were obtained in the winter of 1980/81 by using low-level infrared thermometry. The flight measurements were carried out from December to March. The statistical analysis of the sea ice surface temperature was carried out to yield distributions, frequencies and widths of fractures. Ice-free as well as ice-covered fractures with a maximum ice thickness of 0.4 m were analysed. Typical fracture frequencies were 0.25 per km for Lancaster Sound and 0.14 per km for Baffin Bay and the North Water area, with 90% of fractures being less than 0.6 km wide. From December to March, the fractures occupied 8.8% of the Ice cover in the North Water area, 8.7% along the Baffin Bay profile and 10% in the Lancaster Sound. In the North Water area the distance (y) between fractures for different fracture widths (x) is an exponential function of the form y=Aexp(ax) (A,a are constants), for fractures between 50 and 800 m wide. In the North Water area during winter, fractures of all widths occur 5 times more frequently than in M’Clure Strait and about 7 times more frequently than in southern Beaufort Sea. The heat loss in Lancaster Sound at the ice-air interface was found to be 40 to 100% larger due to the fractures compared to a fast ice situation in the same winter.