Prediction of Herdlife and Lifetime Production from First Lactation Production and Individual Type Traits in Holstein Cows

Herdlife from 1st calving to removal and lifetime milk and fat yields were predicted from production and type measures of 34,675 Holstein cows in 1st lactation. Multiple squared correlations ranged from 0.053 to 0.152. Inclusion of descriptive type codes after linear and quadratic effects of milk and fat yields in 1st lactation increased multiple squared correlations for herdlife by 45% and for lifetime milk yield by 21%. Differences in herdlife and lifetime milk yield among alternative codes for fore udder, rear udder, udder support, and miscellaneous traits far exceeded differences among alternative codes for all other traits. After adjustment for production and final score in 1st lactation, ranges in effects of alternative codes exceeded 10% of mean herdlife for fore udder, rear udder, udder support, and miscellaneous traits, and 10% of mean lifetime milk yield for rear udder, udder support and miscellaneous traits. Additionally, conformational and functional desirability were nearly synonymous for fore udder, rear udder and udder support codings. However, several codes with relatively large effects on herdlife and lifetime milk yield offered little potential for indirect improvement in cow longevity due to their low frequency.