Photoelectrochemistry and Electroreflectance of “As‐Grown” and Reduced Poly‐3‐Methylthiophene (P3MT) in an Aqueous Electrolyte

Conductive polymers have potential as the active elements in a number of practical devices from batteries to photoelectrochemical devices. Poly‐3‐methylthiophene (P3MT), because of its considerable air stability, is of particular interest. We report here on the photoelectrochemical properties and electrolyte electroreflectance spectra (EER) of neutral and doped P3MT films in‐aqueous electrolytes. The observed p‐type photoresponse and direct band transitions are slightly different for neutral and doped materials, and evidence is presented for a transition due to adsorbed methylviologen in the neutral material. Models are discussed for both the photoelectrochemical and EER results.