The present paper applies the method of high-intensity quantum electrodynamics developed earlier to several problems of current experimental interest. In this paper the intensitydependent shifts and widths of atomic levels are calculated and applied to a given transition near resonance. The technique is demonstrated with three examples: the multiphoton ionization of atomic cesium and hydrogen in atomic beams and third-harmonic production in an atomic vapor. It is found that the multiphoton-ionization rate in a relatively weak laser beam (of order 108 W/cm2) is determined by the intensity-dependent level width (6f configuration) as well as the interference of the fine-structure states, and that the rates for hydrogen, in a much more intense beam (of order 1012 W/cm2) are determined by both the intensity-dependent widths and shifts as` well as the wave-function renormalization constants. The agreement of these two examples of calculations with the experiments done recently is satisfactory. For third-harmonic production the role of two-photon resonance is emphasized, and the dependence of the generated third-harmonic intensity on the intensity and frequency of the fundamental is discussed. Near resonance, the ratio of third-harmonic intensity to fundamental intensity saturates.