Biological flora of New Zealand 5. Olearia colensoi Hook.f. (Compositae) Leatherwood, Tupari

Olearia colensoi is a tall shrub which is extensively dominant in the subalpine belt in high-rainfall areas, occurring mainly on the axial ranges of the North Island, the westernmost ranges of the South Island, and on Stewart Island. It includes the varieties colensoi north of lat. 43 °S, and argentea to the south. This paper gives information relevant to its ecology, a distribution map based on its presence or absence in grid squares, discussion of its geographic variation, and bibliographic references to other information. The very distinct O. colensoi var. grandis of the Stewart Island coast and neighbouring islands, which is probably conspecific with O. lyallii of the Snares and Auckland Islands, is considered only so far as is necessary to compare its morphology and ecology with those of the other varieties.