Magnetic Susceptibilities of Transition Elements in Host Crystals. I.V3+in Corundum

The magnetic susceptibilities of V3+-doped corundum crystals have been measured along and perpendicular to the trigonal crystalline axis over the temperature range of 4-500°K. A Faraday balance and a torsional balance were used to measure the absolute and anisotropy susceptibilities, respectively. Theoretical expressions for the magnetic susceptibilities as functions of temperature are obtained by employing the crystal-field approximation in the usual manner. The data of the optical spectrum fix the cubic-field parameter and the mixing ratio of the F3 and P3 states. The observed values of the magnetic susceptibilities follow a Curie-Weiss law over the temperature range of 77-500°K. Using 1.915 for gII from the ESR (electron spin resonance) experiment, we obtain g=1.720±0.005 from the ratio of the slopes of the graphs of χi versus (T+θi)1. The difference in the Van Vleck temperature-independent terms for χ and χII which was evaluated by extrapolating the data to T=, gives the trigonal splitting of the ground state as 1100±100 cm1. At temperatures below 30°K the magnetic anisotropy becomes considerably larger and deviations from the Curie-Weiss law are found for both χII and χ. The zero-field splitting of the ground A23 state is determined from the temperature dependence of the magnetic anisotropy as 8.4 cm1. The g values and the zero-field splitting provide an estimate of 95 cm1 for the spin-orbit coupling constant. Finally by combining the trigonal splitting of the ground state determined from this work with that of the T13(P) state observed in the optical spectrum, an estimate of the two trigonal field parameters is obtained. Discussions of the crystal-field parameters in terms of the ligand bonding and the point-change model of the crystal are given.