Rescattering in 100-GeV/cproton-deuteron and positive-pion-deuteron interactions

We have studied rescattering in 100-GeV/c proton and positive-pion interactions with deuterons in the Fermilab 30-in. bubble chamber. We study specifically events in which the deuteron breaks up and meson production occurs. After attempting to take account of elastic rescattering, we determine the fraction of events in which rescattering occurs, and the multiplicity distribution of the rescatter events. The rescatter fraction found for 100-GeV/c π+d events is consistent with the values found in 21-GeV/c and 205-GeV/c πd experiments while the fraction found for 100-GeV/c pd events is slightly larger. The multiplicity distributions in the rescarter events are in reasonable agreement with 205-GeV/c pp or πp multiplicity distributions. We coare our results to predictions of energy-flux-cascade and coherent-tube models.