Levels ofF18from theO16(He3,pγ)F18Reaction

Angular correlations in the O16(He3,pγ)F18 reaction have been studied through two-parameter analyses of proton—gamma-ray coincidences at He3 bombarding energies of 4.65, 5.40, and 6.40 MeV. Protons were detected by an annular solid-state detector centered at θp=180; gamma rays were detected with a NaI(Tl) spectrometer for five angles in the range 0θγ90. Branching ratios were determined for nine of the ten F18 levels of 3.4<Eex<4.9 MeV; the exception is the 4.74-MeV level, which was not observed. From analysis of angular-correlation data the following spin-parity limitations are obtained for the triplet of levels at Eex3.8 MeV: 3.72-MeV level (J=1); 3.79-MeV level (J=1,2, or 3); and 3.84-MeV level (Jπ=2(+)). The preference for an even-parity assignment for the 3.84-MeV level is quite strong. The decay modes of the 3.79-MeV level are consistent with the assumption that this is the 3 member of the group of odd-parity levels which includes those at 1.08 MeV (0), 2.10 MeV (2), and 3.13 MeV (expected 1). For those levels with Eex>4 MeV, the correlation analysis provides restrictions on possible level spins and on multipole-mixing amplitudes for some of the principal deexcitation transitions. These results are consistent with other available information. The 4.65-MeV level of F18 is found to have J>~3, and decays by transitions to the 0.94-MeV level (Jπ=3+) and to the 1.13-MeV level [Jπ=(5)+] with branching ratios of 15 and 85%, respectively. This appears to be the most likely candidate for the Jπ=4+, T=1 analog of the 3.55-MeV 4+ state of O18. The F18 4.40-MeV level is also observed to decay to the 1.13-MeV level, and is a possible but less likely candidate for the analog of this O18 level.