Electroweak studies ine+ecollisions: 12<√s<46.78 GeV

The Mark J Collaboration at the DESY e+ e collider PETRA presents results on the electroweak reactions e+ eμ+ μ τ+ τ,μ+ μγ, and e+ e μ+ μ. The c.m. energy range is 12 to 46.78 GeV. In the μ+ μ and τ+ τ channels the total cross sections and the forward-backward asymmetries are reported and compared with other experiments. The results are in excellent agreement with the standard model. The weak-neutral-current vector and axial-vector coupling constants are determined. The values for muons and τ’s are compatible with universality and with the predictions of the standard model. In the μ+ μγ channel, all measured distributions, including the forward-backward muon asymmetry, are in excellent agreement with the electroweak theory. Our data on the two-photon process, e+ e μ+ μ, agrees with QED to order α4 over the entire energy range and the Q2 range from 0.7 to 166 GeV2.