Optical-model potential in nuclear matter from Reid's hard core interaction

We describe a method for the calculation of the leading term of a previously proposed low-density expansion for the self-energy of nucleons in nuclear matter. We compute the single-particle complex potential energy, the average binding energy per nucleon, the complex symmetry potential, and the symmetry energy. We use Reid's hard core nucleon-nucleon interaction and take a Fermi momentum kF=1.4 fm1. The calculated single-particle potential energy is compared with the phenomenological values of the optical-model potential in the inner region of a nucleus. The real part of our theoretical value is given by 560.3E (MeV) below E=150 MeV, and changes sign at 200 MeV. The imaginary part rises from 2 MeV at low energy to about 20 MeV at E=200 MeV. These features are in good agreement with experimental evidence. The average binding energy B per nucleon calculated with a self-consistent potential energy for the particle states above kF is equal to -11 MeV. In the standard approach, with no potential energy for intermediate particle states above kF, one finds -8.65 MeV. We also calculate the symmetry potential. At low energy, its real part is equal to 14 (NZ)A (MeV); it changes sign at 110 MeV. Its imaginary part is equal to 3.5(NZ)A (MeV) at low energy, and rises to 8.5(NZ)A (MeV) at 200 MeV. The symmetry energy is equal to 27.8 MeV.