Due to the similarity of the major metabolic pathways in all living organisms it might be thought unlikely that the study of metabolic variation would add to an understanding of ecological differences. However, a quantitative study of the regulation of metabolism and its end-products indicates a link between cell biochemistry and the capability of certain species to succeed in particular environments. A study of anaerobic metabolism in animals and plants shows a number of similarities in those species able to survive in oxygen-poor environments. These include the production of nontoxic end-products and the avoidance of a large oxygen debt. As a large variety of organisms is examined, these comparisons suggest that the metabolic solutions to a given environmental stress, whether in plants or animals, can be strikingly similar. Therefore, although the main metabolic pathways in most living organism are the same, the regulation of metabolism varies with the ecology of the species. Examples are discussed in which a knowledge of metabolism in relation to ecology could have practical applications in forestry and agriculture.