III. Cosmic-ray latitude survey in Western USA and Hawaii in summer, 1966

A 3-NM-64 neutron monitor and a 2-MT-64 muon monitor were operated at 29 sites near sea level and on mountains on the western seaboard of the USA and in Hawaii in May, June, and July, 1966, in continuation of the latitude survey begun in 1965 and reported in papers I and II of this set of five papers. The original results and also the corrections for temperature structure of the atmosphere and for secular variations of the cosmic radiation are given in detail. While the overland equipment was at its highest altitude on Mt. Hood (2.4 GV) and on the summits of Mt. Palomar (5.7 GV) and Mt. Haleakela (13.3 GV), an airborne neutron monitor was operated at seven different levels between 3000 m and 12 000 m. The pressure-measuring equipment and also the neutron monitor in the aircraft were calibrated in terms of the overland instruments while the aircraft was at the same altitude as the overland equipment on the summit of Mt. Haleakela.