The crystal and molecular structure of p-chloroaniline

Crystals of p-chloroaniline are orthorhombic; a= 8·67, b= 9·28, c= 7·40 Å, Z= 4, space group Pnam. The structure was determined with visual intensity data from the three-dimensional Patterson function, and refined by least-squares, with anisotropic thermal parameters for the chlorine, nitrogen, and carbon atoms, and isotropic thermal parameters for the hydrogen atoms; the final R is 0·11 for 482 reflexions. The aromatic ring is planar within experimental error, but the chlorine and nitrogen are displaced from the plane in the same direction, by 0·03 and 0·06 Å, respectively. The bond distances indicate electron-donation from the amino-group into the ring, the lengths being Cl–C(4)= 1·75, C(1)–C(2)= 1·42, C(2)–C(3)= 1·39, C(3)–C(4)= 1·40, C(1)–N = 1·39 Å. The intermolecular distances correspond to van der Waals interactions.