Field Cooled and Zero Field CooledPb207NMR and the Local Structure of RelaxorPbMg1/3Nb2/3O3

An isotropic Pb207 NMR spectrum corresponding to the glassy matrix with spherical shell type Pb shifts from the cubic sites, as well as an anisotropic spectral component corresponding to polar nanoclusters with a Pb shift parallel to the [111] direction, have been observed in a PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3 (PMN) single crystal. This represents a microscopic confirmation of the model of relaxors first proposed by Burns and Dacol. A sudden increase in the intensity of the anisotropic cluster line is seen for electric fields larger than the critical field around 210 K. This demonstrates the occurrence of an orientational percolation type transition to the field-induced ferroelectric phase with about 50% of the Pb nuclei still remaining in the spherical glass matrix. A similar though smaller increase of the intensity of this line is also seen in the zero field cooled data, demonstrating that relaxor PMN is an incipient ferroelectric.