Removal policies in network caches for World-Wide Web documents

World-Wide Web proxy servers that cache documents can potentially reduce three quantities: the number of requests that reach popular servers, the volume of network traffic resulting from document requests, and the latency that an end-user experiences in retrieving a document. This paper examines the first two using the measures of cache hit rate and weighted hit rate (or fraction of client-requested bytes returned by the proxy). A client request for an uncached document may cause the removal of one or more cached documents. Variable document sizes and types allow a rich variety of policies to select a document for removal, in contrast to policies for CPU caches or demand paging, that manage homogeneous objects. We present a taxonomy of removal policies. Through trace-driven simulation, we determine the maximum possible hit rate and weighted hit rate that a cache could ever achieve, and the removal policy that maximizes hit rate and weighted hit rate. The experiments use five traces of 37 to 185 days of client URL requests. Surprisingly, the criteria used by several proxy-server removal policies (LRU, Hyper-G, and a proposal by Pitkow and Recker) are among the worst performing criteria in our simulation; instead, replacing documents based on size maximizes hit rate in each of the studied workloads.