Comparison of Three Perturbation Molecular Dynamics Methods for Modeling Conformational Transitions

Targeted, steered, and biased molecular dynamics (MD) are widely used methods for studying transition processes of biomolecules. They share the common feature of adding external perturbations along a conformational progress variable to guide the transition in a predefined direction in conformational space, yet differ in how these perturbations are applied. In the present paper, we report a comparison of these three methods on generating transition paths for two different processes: the unfolding of the B domain of protein A and a conformational transition of the catalytic domain of a Src kinase Lyn. Transition pathways were calculated with different simulation parameters including the choice of progress variable and the simulation length or biasing force constant. A comparison of the generated paths based on structural similarity finds that the three perturbation MD methods generate similar transition paths for a given progress variable in most cases. On the other hand, the path depends more strongly on the choice of progress variable used to move the system between the initial and final states. Potentials of mean force (PMF) were calculated starting from unfolding trajectories to estimate the relative probabilities of the paths. A lower PMF was found for the lowest biasing force constant with BMD.