Heterogeneity of sulphur content in the storage proteins of pea cotyledons

By means of crossed immunoelectrophoresis of the cotyledonary storage proteins of Pisum sativum L. it was shown that reduced accumulation of the legumin fraction, resulting from severe sulphur deficiency during growth, is accompanied by relative suppression of a quantitatively minor storage protein (Peak 3) shown previously by subunit analysis to be related to the vicilin series of holoproteins. The pattern of isotopic labelling of the storage proteins after injection of [35S]methionine into the pedicel during seed development under normal nutritional conditions indicated that Peak-3 protein, like legumin, has a relatively high content of sulphur amino-acids. Like certain of the vicilin molecules carrying the determinants responsible for Peak-4, Peak-3 protein binds selectively to concanavalin A.