Four corrections to the effective-mass approximation are considered with first-order perturbation theory; namely, the deviation of the total perturbing potential U from the potential U0=e2κr (κ=staticdielectricconstant) and the three relativistic corrections: (a) spin-orbit coupling, (b) s-shift correction, and (c) massvelocity correction. The number of independent matrix elements is determined for each perturbation by means of the selection-rule theorem. There is no effect of spin-orbit coupling on the effective-mass ground state; the corresponding effect on the exact eigenstates of the nonrelativistic Hamiltonian appears to be small for donors in Si, and does not cause a splitting of the sextet state (with spin) in Ge or Si. Both of the other two relativistic corrections give rise to a shift and a splitting of the degenerate effective-mass ground state, as does the perturbation UU0. The magnitude of the relativistic corrections and their relative contribution to the observed splitting of the effective-mass ground state are discussed briefly.