Ventilation and arterial oxygen saturation have been measured in 18 patients during anaesthesia with ether or halothane carried in air. All patients were ventilated artificially with a Jefferson ventilator at a frequency of 16 breaths per minute and variable tidal volume. Ventilation has been expressed as a percentage of Radford's standard, Nunn's standard and the patient's pre-operative resting ventilation. 110 per cent of both Radford's and Nunn's standard ventilation and 98 per cent of the patient's own resting ventilation were found to yield a mean arterial oxygen saturation of 95 per cent. Below this the mean saturation fell sharply with decreasing ventilation. Cyanosis was never visible even with a saturation as low as 70 per cent, although desaturation was evident in the colour of the arterial blood when sampled.