Human pharmacokinetics of nitrazepam: Effect of age and diseases

Plasma concentrations of nitrazepam were measured by gas-liquid chromatography in: young healthy volunteers, in geriatric and psychiatric patients and in epileptic children. The disposition of nitrazepam was described in terms of a two-compartment open model. After a single oral dose of nitrazepam 5 mg the most prominent differences between the experimental groups were in the β-phase half-life-mean 29 h in the young volunteers and 40 h in geriatric patients, and in the apparent volume of distribution during the β-phase of 2.4 vs 4.8 l/kg. Total plasma clearance and the average steady state concentration in both groups were equal. The plasma level rose at a rate proportional to the β-phase half-life, and so, they were achieved more rapidly in the young than in the old subjects (3.5 vs 7.5 d). No change in steady-state level or in the half-life of nitrazepam were found during long term treatment, which indicates lack of enzyme induction or inhibition. In 95% of the epileptic children with a good to fair clinical response, the plasma concentration of nitrazepam was 40–180 ng/ml (mean 114 ng/ml). As all of the patients were on combined antiepileptic therapy, no attempt was made to correlate plasma level with therapeutic response.